The Microlife BodyGem RMR indirect calorimeter system can determine metabolic rate for your client in 5-10 minutes.

Metabolic testing provides a precise measurement of your clients RMR, which can account for up to 75% of their total calorie needs.
Metabolism testing is superior to estimation equations, such as
the Harris-Benedict formula and Katch-McArdle formula.
Nutrition Healthworks Uses The BodyGem Indirect Calorimeter
Whether your goals are to lose weight, bulk up, or just get healthy – a metabolic test will give your nutritionist the information required to develop customized meal plans which will enable your body to get the nutrition it needs while achieving the right caloric intake to lose or gain the weight desired.
1. Science behind our plans
Scientifically determined RMR or resting metabolic rate measurements ensure plans are effective and customized to your needs
2. Quick and Painless
Our tests generally take only ten minutes and can be completed while sitting down. No Treadmills!
3. Accurate
We use Microlife BodyGem Calorimeters which are used by hospitals, universities, and major weight management centers to determine accurate RMR measurements.
For more information about Nutrition Healthworks, click here.
For more information about the BodyGem, click on Microlife BodyGem indirect calorimeter.
Or call Harvey Harris at 1-800-743-3328 to discuss BodyGem System Kit pricing options.