The Microlife MedGem RMR indirect calorimeter system can determine metabolic rate for your client in 5-10 minutes.

Metabolic testing provides a precise measurement of your clients RMR, which can account for up to 75% of their total calorie needs.
Metabolism testing is superior to estimation equations, such as
the Harris-Benedict formula and Katch-McArdle formula.
Dana Wells, M.Ed., RDN, LDN, CPT at Anue uses the MedGem indirect calorimeter for metabolic rate testing.
Holistic Nutrition Counseling: Registered Dietitian Nutritionist/Licensed Nutritionist in Doylestown, PA Specializing in Weight Management, Eating disorders and Addiction.
At Anue we specialize in individual holistic client care by supporting clients not only through learning how to eat healthier but also dealing with one’s psychological relationship with food. We work with clients on an interpersonal level in order to provide quality care that goes beyond just basic nutrition services. It is our philosophy that in order to help one achieve optimal wellness it is important to get to know each client as an individual and explore their associations with food. What is most important is to build a respectful and trusting mutual relationship so we can work together as a team to meet one’s individual needs. Once this sense of union is created together they can achieve long-term wellness and growth.
We do not promote weight loss products or prepackaged meals; we teach people how to eat real food utilizing the Exchange Lists for Weight Management, which was developed collaboratively by the American Dietetic Association and American Diabetes Association. The program features the FDA-approved MedGem® indirect calorimeter by Healthetech™ which allows us to measure your unique metabolism.
This measurement is utilized to determine the correct amount of calories and other nutrients YOUR body needs. Utilizing the latest research and technology, we provide you with a personalized nutrition and exercise program based on your individual goals.
All participants in the weight management program receive two 1-hour one-on-one appointments with a Registered Dietitian, a MedGem® metabolic analysis, food intake analysis, personalized plan, Exchange Lists for Weight Management guidebook, and program materials.
Weight loss program options:
Assessment w/ Recommendations
Includes two 1-hour one-on-one appointments with a Registered Dietitian, a MedGem® metabolic analysis, food intake analysis, personalized plan, and Exchange Lists for Weight Management guidebook.
One-on-One Sessions
Includes ½-hour one-on-one sessions every other week.
Phone/Skype/Email Consultations
Includes ½-hour phone/email consultations every other week and one ½-hour one-on-one session with a Registered Dietitian every 6 months.
MedGem® Metabolic Analysis
Learn your metabolic rate. MedGem® metabolic analysis with interpretation provides clients with their baseline metabolic rate. One’s baseline metabolic rate is the number of calories an individual currently burns in one day. With this information a meal plan can be made specific to the client’s individual needs.
Individual Consultation
½-hour one-on-one appointment with a Registered Dietitian for any nutrition-related topic.
Q: How much weight can I expect to lose?
A: Your metabolism is going to determine how much weight you will lose and how fast you’re going to lose it. Your calorie budget for weight loss will be determined during your initial assessment with the Registered Dietitian.
For more information about Anue, click here.
For more information about the MedGem, click on Microlife MedGem indirect calorimeter.
Or call Harvey Harris at 1-800-743-3328 to discuss MedGem System Kit pricing options.