The MedGem indirect calorimeter is a clinically-validated and FDA 510K-cleared, class II, medical device for measurement of patient resting metabolic rate (RMR).

Instead of estimating RMR with the Harris-Benedict or Katch-McArdle formula, the MedGem scientifically measures a clients Metabolic Fingerprint, that is unique to them.
Estimation formulas cannot factor in thyroid issues, the effects of medications, etc.
Microlife MedGem WatchWT™ “Initiating the assessment & treatment for overweight and obesity”
Identify and inform patients for the MedGem WatchWT™ Clinic
A. Medical screening process: 1. Patient visit: MA (medical assistant) obtains height/weight according to clinic protocol. At a minimum, this should be performed yearly, with each CPE at patient request, change in health status and every 6 months with those with chronic conditions. Monitor weight at each visit for patients with history of CHF, CKD or as determined by the physician.
The MA determines BMI (Body Mass Index) from chart or places measurements into EHR (Electronic Health Record) for calculation. Documents BMI in paper chart. The Medical Provider identifies candidates for diagnostic procedure (i.e. MedGem test). 2. Registry: MA or PA (Physician Assistant) conducts a query of patient outcome database for patients that have a BMI > 27 kg/m2 and a co-morbid disease state, (i.e., diabetes, hypertension, CVD). A list is compiled and the patient’s medical chart or EHR is identified.
B. Inform patient:
1. Patient visit
A. Medical Provider informs patient that bodyweight is a contributor to their medical issues and a recommendation is suggested to lose weight. Medical Provider assesses patient’s willingness to manage weight. The Medical Provider recommends the MedGem diagnostic procedure or CPT 94690 to help the patient begin the process of managing their obesity. The Medical Provider completes Patient Prescription for Weight Management form (see Section 2) and gives to the patient.
B. The Medical Provider notifies MA of MedGem diagnostic order through routing forms or computer inoffice messaging. Either the front desk or MA arranges scheduling. C. MA/RN: provides details about the procedure and informs patient of appropriate pre-test requirements. RN/MA hands patient the “WatchWT™ MedGem” brochure (see Section 11) and answers questions about the test. MA/RN refers the patient to the front desk for scheduling.
2. Phone Call or Mailing
A. MA/RN provides list of patients to Medical Provider that are candidates for WatchWT Clinic. The Medical Provider approves the patients that need this WatchWT Clinic.
B. MA/RN: Patient is called or sent letter to inform them that the Medical Provider recommends the patient participate in WatchWT Clinic based on their BMI contributing to their disease.
C. MA/RN phone call explains the clinic, procedural requirements, answers questions, refers patient’s phone call to front desk for scheduling.
D. MA/RN letter explains the clinic and encourages patient to call front desk for scheduling.
3. Clinic Newsletter or e-mail
A. Inform patients of WatchWT clinic for patients to manage weight & health. Refer to Measure Metabolism handout (see Section 11) as a template for marketing to clinic patients or the following insert for clinic newsletters:
< Insert Your Clinic Name here> now offers a simple test to help you lose or maintain weight. This simple 10 minute test measures your metabolism and accurately calculates how many calories your body burns each day. You receive a 4-page report individualized to you that gives you the information you need to lose weight now. This test is often covered by insurance depending on your weight and medical condition. Talk to your medical provider or their medical assistant for further information.
4. In-office marketing A. Brochures, posters and flyers available in reception room and exam rooms.
The MedGem program includes the MedGem hand-held indirect calorimeter that measures resting oxygen consumption to determine resting metabolic rate (RMR); MedGem Analyzer software program to develop an individual treatment program; and Microlife’s educational materials for patient education. In addition, Dr. Hammond wanted to include MedGem into his established group visit program.
Offer your clients the best possible results by incorporating the MedGem tools and solutions into your programs.
For more information, click on MedGem indirect calorimeter.
Contact me at 1-800-743-3328 to discuss MedGem RMR System Kit pricing options.
Harvey Harris