The Microlife MedGem RMR indirect calorimeter system can determine metabolic rate for your client in 5-10 minutes.

Metabolic testing provides a precise measurement of your clients RMR, which can account for up to 75% of their total calorie needs.
Metabolism testing is superior to estimation equations, such as
the Harris-Benedict formula and Katch-McArdle formula.
MedGem® Indirect Calorimeter Benefits and Features.
Handheld device – The MedGem comes in a soft-sided carrying case so it is extremely portable.
It weighs only 1 pound and is the size of a soda can.
Accurate & Reliable – 3rd party, external studies determining accuracy and reliability against the Douglas Bag (98%, R=.90) and various metabolic carts
Calibration Period – Calibration takes less than 15 seconds
Measurement Time – The measurement takes between 5 to 10 minutes
Disposable Mouthpiece – Infection control filter inside each single use mouthpiece. No internal filters to change
Educational & Implementation materials provided / Complete weight management program materials available. These materials
can help get your program started or enhance your current program
Oxygen Sensors – Sensors do not need to be replaced each year which can decrease the amount of time you are without your device
Warranty – A 2-year warranty is included
Analyzer Provides nutrient breakdown – Not only does the report display RMR, but it will provide your clients with macro
& micro nutrient requirements (accurate down to age 8)
Individualizes caloric needs / Individualizes caloric needs by including occupational activity and sleep schedule as well as adding exercise calories (burned calories) separately
Versatile – Software can be viewed on the computer screen or
printed on regular paper from any printer
Analyzer Reports (Metabolic Evaluation Report) – Analyzer provides a 4-page patient educational report & single page clinician
report which can be uploaded to an EMR program.
For the best care, the American Dietetics Association recommends using indirect calorimetry to measure RMR for the most accurate assessment of nutritional needs.
Health & Fitness Network is an authorized distributor of the BodyGem© and MedGem© RMR devices by Microlife Medical Home Solutions.
The BodyGem and MedGem have the same functionality, accuracy and reliability. The difference is that the MedGem has gone through the FDA-approval process, to allow licensed clinicians to make insurance claims on their measurements.
These indirect calorimeters measure your clients Resting Metabolic Rate in 5-10 minutes, to provide them with a scientifically based Daily Calorie Budget, to help them reach their weight goals.
For more information about the MedGem, click on Microlife MedGem indirect calorimeter.
Or call Harvey Harris at 1-800-743-3328 to discuss MedGem System Kit pricing options.