The MedGem indirect calorimeter is a clinically-validated and FDA 510K-cleared, class II, medical device for measurement of patient resting metabolic rate (RMR).

Instead of estimating RMR with the Harris-Benedict or Katch-McArdle formula, the MedGem scientifically measures a clients Metabolic Fingerprint, that is unique to them.
Since the launch of our MedGem device, we’ve been able to help busy medical practitioners change people’s lives through a safe, effective and evidence-based weight management approach.
Here’s a small sampling of what patients and professionals have been saying about MedGem:
“I used MedGem when working at my previous job. I loved it so much that when I opened my practice in 2010, I purchased one. It is a great asset to my practice because it helps me help my clients achieve the success they want. Whether it’s losing weight, gaining weight or knowing how many calories are required to support their sport, it takes the guesswork out which makes my job easier and my clients more successful.” — Lisa Eisele, RD, CSO, LD
“In talking with our dietitians and reading student comments, I know that MedGem has helped us provide more accurate counseling to students across the board. Whether they are athletes needing to talk about adequate nutrition and nutrient timing; or students wishing to make smart choices about their overall health and well-being; or a staff member needing to understand their metabolic output in order to control a medical condition such as diabetes; having the MedGem device gives us a diagnostic tool to use to provide excellent service to our students, faculty and staff.” — Marguerite O’Brien, Director, Campus Wellness at the University of South Carolina.
“We have enjoyed using MedGem for the past few years. The ease of taking it off campus has been a big plus. It is and easy to use, easy to store, low maintenance and reliable source for testing RMR.” — Julienne McCulloch, Registered Clinical Exercise Physiologist, Intermountain Healthcare.
MGH Weight Center at Massachusetts General Hospital has been using MedGem for more than 10 years now “on mostly all of its patients,” according to Administrative Coordinator Denise Viscardi. “It’s crucial for dietitians to know what the calorie intake should be for each patient.”
For more information, click on MedGem indirect calorimeter.
Contact me at 1-800-743-3328 to discuss MedGem RMR System Kit pricing options.
Harvey Harris