Health & Fitness Network – Distributor of the Microlife BodyGem and MedGem

Microlife MedGem Program Based On Your Patients Metabolic Needs

Looking for a patient-centered program based on your patient’s metabolic needs? The Microlife MedGem indirect calorimeter is the answer!

Microlife MedGem indirect calorimeter to measure RMRThe MedGem is a clinically-validated and FDA 510K-cleared, class II, medical device for measurement of patient resting metabolic rate (RMR).

Instead of estimating RMR with the Harris-Benedict or Katch-McArdle formula, the MedGem scientifically measures a clients Metabolic Fingerprint, that is unique to them.

Offer your clients the best possible results by incorporating the MedGem into your programs.

The MedGem provides the personalized health information your patients need to achieve their best results.

Current MedGem users agree on the following benefits:

For more information, click on MedGem indirect calorimeter.

Contact me at 1-800-743-3328 to discuss MedGem RMR System Kit pricing options.

Harvey Harris

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