Health & Fitness Network – Distributor of the Microlife BodyGem and MedGem

Scarsdale Medical Group Uses The Microlife MedGem Indirect Calorimeter

Microlife MedGem indirect calorimeter to measure RMRThe Microlife MedGem RMR indirect calorimeter system can determine metabolic rate for your client in 5-10 minutes.

Metabolic testing provides a precise measurement of your clients RMR, which can account for up to 75% of their total calorie needs.

Metabolism testing is superior to estimation equations, such as
the Harris-Benedict formula and Katch-McArdle formula.

Scarsdale Medical Group Uses The MedGem indirect calorimeter for metabolic rate testing.

At Scarsdale Medical Group, they take your health and nutrition goals seriously.

Their registered dietitians have extensive experience in creating individually tailored weight loss and nutrition plans. They work with patients who have chronic health conditions or those that simply want to improve their eating habits for their own personal and physical well-being.

They also offer regular weight loss session groups.

Their mission is to help both adults and children achieve their nutrition and health goals by enjoying a balance of nutritious foods and making simple lifestyle changes.

They offer the following programs to help you achieve your health and wellness goals:

Nutrition Counseling

Their individual counseling sessions begin with a consultation with one of our dietitians to assess your dietary needs. They’ll work with you to design a realistic nutrition plan that is based on your physical goals and lifestyle. They create a plan that is customized specifically for you.

Weight Loss Groups

If your primary goal is weight loss and management, their weight loss groups can help. Held throughout the year, they offer a supportive environment where you can meet others who have similar goals. Their group classes help you make lifestyle and dietary changes necessary to maintain good health.

MedGem Metabolic Testing

Have you wondered exactly how many calories you need to lose weight? Our registered dietitians can tell you!

Scarsdale Medical Group’s registered dietitians use the MedGem Metabolic Test to determine your daily caloric needs by calculating your resting metabolic rate (RMR). Your RMR is the amount of calories your body burns throughout the day in order to function properly, or the minimum number of calories you need to consume each day. Knowing your RMR can help our nutritionists establish a calorie budget that will help you reach your weight loss goals.

The test is non-invasive and will require breathing into a small handheld machine and only takes around 20 minutes to complete. Patients cannot eat, drink anything including caffeinated beverages and alcohol, exercise or use tobacco four hours prior to the test.

There will be a $75 fee which is not typically covered by insurance. To schedule an appointment, please call (914) 723-8100.

Diabetes Management

Their registered dietitians work closely with your endocrinologist to provide comprehensive services necessary to get your diabetes under control. They offer you:

Medical nutrition therapy can help manage your medical conditions through good nutrition. You will work closely with their registered dietitians to create a plan so you’re able to live a healthy lifestyle.

For more information about Scarsdale Medical Group, click here.

For more information about the MedGem, click on Microlife MedGem indirect calorimeter.

Or call Harvey Harris at 1-800-743-3328 to discuss MedGem System Kit pricing options.

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